University Pediatric Hospital i San Juan

Puerto RicoUniversity Pediatric Hospital



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San Juan, 00921, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-474-0333
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3972943, Longitude: -66.0723059

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jehiel Mercado



  • Ladyshavanna Concepcion

    Ladyshavanna Concepcion


    En ocologia gracias por nada feliz si aja y con el frio pelu.😃😅😆🤣😂

  • Local PR Guide

    Local PR Guide


    The external waiting area is insecure and very unsanitary for civilians and employees of the hospitals.The Security company Genesis and O'Neil Services within the hospitals permits homeless people to intimidate civilians who are waiting for friends and loved once at the waiting area. At the Popular ATM as soon as you walk in front of it you have two or more homeless individuals request money from you. Not ask in a humble matter but more in a aggressive tone. This level of approach was observe in a security adit test personally initiated by myself to evaluate the service of security for employees and civilians. They absolutely fail over and over. During the audit I witness a security officer Pagan by O Niel services being approached by a homeless person and ask if he can ask for money from civilians and he gave the homeless guy permission. The level of approach of the homeless male was direct and ask away stating to civilians " dame dinero" (Give me money). This is unnecessary and unacceptable. Extremely in need of personnel who will eliminate this behavior. This is tax payers money and the people deserve better.

  • lluvia24 Rivera

    lluvia24 Rivera


    El trato de las enfermer@s en el piso 2 es exelente.

  • EO. JA. KU. Love

    EO. JA. KU. Love


    En el piso 3 de la torre nueva es tremenda porquería ni a los docrores ni a los enfermeros o enfermeras les importan los pacientes. Ahí los pacientes por la mala higiene entre los trabajadores los niños cojen infecciones en la sangre, sarna humana, hongos, bacterias en la sangre y un sin fin de porquerias más mi hijo esta siendo victima de esa gente irresponsable que solo quieren sacarle al plan el maximo a y ya mi hijo estaba ready para el alta cuando subió a este piso se puso peor de como vino. Podría seguir pero mejor lo dejo ahi.

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