Utopía i Ponce

Puerto RicoUtopía



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Calle Isabel-Muñoz Rivera, 00730, Ponce, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-848-5441
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.01252, Longitude: -66.613905

kommentar 5

  • Kindy Romero

    Kindy Romero


    Buena tienda encuentras regalitos de viajeros artesanías ropas figuras prendas perfumes banderas carteras y una cafeteria

  • Damilex Rodriguez

    Damilex Rodriguez


    Great place to buy souvenirs and a nice cafe!

  • en

    Jeffrey Taylor


    This is a cafe and grand bazaar style souvenir shop combined. The cafe also encompasses a variety of local Boricua art work, including a paper-mache style fully caped and masked carnival statuary displayed right above the counter and a collection of black and white photos of sentimental island history. Frequented by locals, the cafe offers delicious trapped, beverages, local cofrees, pastries. The staff are friendly and helpful. Everything about the place including the facade beckons the passers-by to enter for a brief look around. Be sure to visit.

  • Lu Pa

    Lu Pa


    Ricco negozio di souvenir veramente tante cose ma quelle di PR non così tante

  • en

    Phil Davis


    counter service with small table seating. 4 eat breakfast for 20. hotel was 60. we'll be back to enjoy another breakfast. parking is toughest part. Patience paid off.

nærmeste Cafe

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