Villalba Memorial i Villalba

Puerto RicoVillalba Memorial



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Villalba, 00766, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-472-7400
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.1263866, Longitude: -66.4921722

kommentar 3

  • Alex Colondres

    Alex Colondres


  • Lizbeth Yadira Landrau-Heller

    Lizbeth Yadira Landrau-Heller


    I am not sure about the other negative review from Rob Rivera but my experience with this funeral home was EXCELLENT. The owner, Mr. Julio Angel Agosto Rivera, was extremely helpful in educating me and going above and beyond for my dad's funeral at the beginning of March 2017. I live in TX and planning a funeral from afar was extremely difficult. My dad was cremated in less than 5 days. Mr. Rivera talked with the cemetery and, for a very reasonable fee, I was able to bury my dad’s ashes in a family tomb. He also helped me with all of the legal aspects of how to get my dad’s death certificate and suspend his social security. He prepared a beautiful sign-in book and memoir cards for everyone that attended the service to take home with them. He put me in contact with a florist and I was able to order flowers at the last minute. He purchased a stunning urn for my dad on our behalf. I could not be happier with his services and HIGHLY recommend anyone that is trying to arrange a funeral from afar to use this funeral home. You will be extremely happy. Lastly but extremely important, they compassion they showed me when I arrived at the funeral home the day before the service was something I will never forget. Mr. Rivera handled himself in a very professional way and answered all of my questions promptly either via text, email, or just by placing a phone call. I simply could not say enough great things about Mr. Rivera, his services, and the funeral home. On behalf of my family and myself, we wanted to thank you for all you did for the funeral service for my dad (Sr. Ruben Landrau – Garcia) on Saturday, March 4 at the Funeraria Villalba Memorial. We can’t put into words how grateful we are to you for being with us during such hard time for our family. Blessings to you always!

  • Rob Rivera

    Rob Rivera


    This place is a dump. Your love ones deserve better.

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