Walgreens i Toa Alta

Puerto RicoWalgreens



🕗 åbningstider

1900 Carr. 167 Ste #1, Ste #1, Toa Alta, 00953, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-545-3191
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3410073, Longitude: -66.2034011

kommentar 5

  • Pamela (Sunny)

    Pamela (Sunny)


    The store is very clean and well stocked. The employees are very friendly and helpful. The pharmacist and his staff are awesome 👏 and fast about filling prescriptions. The pharmacist is very professional, personable, knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions. We’ll continue to shop and fill prescriptions here! 😊

  • Luis Alvarez Santiago

    Luis Alvarez Santiago


    Really organized and close by.

  • Mimi Ju

    Mimi Ju


    The waiting just to drop off the prescription is horrible. Over 30 minutes waiting in the drive thru window. I have tried to go at least 3 times and the experience is the same. When you go inside they take care of you having other customers right next to you. What about HIPAA? Plus barely any products that you can find at any other stores. Some employees are rude. Someone needs to go there and provide customer service training. Only the employees that have been there for years are nice.

  • Meralys Alicea

    Meralys Alicea


    I love them they are very friendly, the store always organized.

  • Hector Santiago

    Hector Santiago


    My wife used to have prescriptions filled here. The prescription service used to be friendly and fast. Lately the pharmacy techs have been rude and slow to the limit. It seems they need a good dose of service training. Fortunately there is a 24-hour CVS pharmacy less than a mile away. Their service is great!

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