Walgreens i Naranjito

Puerto RicoWalgreens



🕗 åbningstider

615, Puerto Rico 152, 00719, Naranjito, Cedro Arriba, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-869-0110
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.272435, Longitude: -66.2718942

kommentar 5

  • Adamaris Quinones

    Adamaris Quinones


    Fatal customer service, the drug store is no good. Change personnel.

  • E. Rivera

    E. Rivera


    Bad service

  • Ange Mercado

    Ange Mercado


    Terrible service in the area of ​​photos, they do not cooperate, they do not help, they do not answer questions, they leave me talking alone Thank you very bad service

  • Juan Berrios

    Juan Berrios


    This walgreens pharmacy in Naranjito has the worst employees in the pharmacy area. They have a pharmacy assistant or technician (Elizabeth) who is going through a particular problem or situation because neither good afternoon or a gesture of kindness as a smile towards the client, and the manager has no more tattoos because the arm is no more long also with an unfriendly behavior. Anyone would say that the client who goes in search of his service will owe him money because both have a fearsome character. I will never visit Naranjito walgreens with that unpleasant experience I had today in the afternoon. I recommend you give seminars on how to treat the public that visits that establishment.

  • Gary Martin

    Gary Martin


    Today Walgreens Naranjito Re-Opened it's store. This store was heavily damaged during Hurricane Maria. Walgreens set up a mobile Pharmacy to take care of the community while the store was redone. Today it's a brand new store. There were many important people here at the Grand Opening. Good luck to you Walgreens Naranjito.

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