Walmart i Fajardo

Puerto RicoWalmart



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Plaza Fajardo,150 Carr. 940, Ste 180, Fajardo, 00738, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-860-1020
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3430658, Longitude: -65.674262

kommentar 5

  • Giovanni Bonilla

    Giovanni Bonilla


    Waiting for help buying a fridge their inventory says they have 6 of. 35 minutes standing next to the fridge while they assure me someone is coming in a moment. What's more important than customer service that you would have a customer just wait indefinitely?

  • Axel Alicea

    Axel Alicea


    This is a compact version. Limited space and not all products are available. Parking is shared with all the stores in the strip mall.

  • Sandra Rodriguez

    Sandra Rodriguez


    Due to COVID 19 the store is sometimes lacking essential and non- essential items.

  • Maritza Perez

    Maritza Perez


    No tvs no pcs no laptops they wont sell you a floor model of anything employees are too tired to take care of you, they cut price tags and put higher prices or separate sets if clothes and sell individually for more no fever checks.

  • Glory M. Félix Cruz

    Glory M. Félix Cruz


    The item I wanted to buy was unavailable as well as others. And they're out of swimming pools for the summer. But still good for back to school supplies.

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