Walmart Supercenter i Cayey

Puerto RicoWalmart Supercenter



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8000, Avenida Jesús T. Piñero, 00736, Cayey, Monte Llano, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-738-7215
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.122555, Longitude: -66.1341213

kommentar 5

  • Moises Figueroa

    Moises Figueroa


    The only reason I don't give a five star rating is because they need to improve a lot in regards to COVID 19 safety measures. Other than that they have everything, good prices and great variety to choose.

  • Jose Cartagena

    Jose Cartagena


    They have decent prices and the staff is great.

  • Yolanda Gonzalez

    Yolanda Gonzalez


    You can almost everything

  • Rodolfo Vazquez

    Rodolfo Vazquez


    First you get rid of cashiers so the customer has to self checkout and then you have another wonderful idea and limit the self checkout to 20 items or less and still short on cashiers and I counted my items and had 27 not that much over and the lines so long,left the cart and walk out,your customer service suck big time

  • John A lopez

    John A lopez


    One of the best Walmart I have ever seen, organized, clean, everything shines and everything in it's place, no mess, it's like the store was today,never seen a Walmart like this ever. I personally congratulate the employees that works in the store, they are very friendly and they help you until you are pleased, I should one day return and see that this is not a dream, compare to the metropolitan area.

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