Wendy's i Caguas

Puerto RicoWendy's



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 34, 00727, Caguas, Cañaboncito, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-218-7596
internet side: www.wendys.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2243347, Longitude: -66.0450516

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo Cotte

    Ricardo Cotte


    Good location, fairly fast service.

  • Pedro Roman

    Pedro Roman


    The best chain hamberg in PR!

  • Wendy Sepulveda

    Wendy Sepulveda


    The first Wendy's restaurant in Caguas. The food is always fresh. If you are visiting from outside of Puerto Rico, make sure you to visit any Wendy's on the and taste the Burger which are 100% pure ground beef from Coamo

  • Mariela M

    Mariela M


    Drive thru fast, good food preparation, friendly service

  • Katherine Sanchez

    Katherine Sanchez


    Only drive thru available but they were very nice with a truck driver who could not fit his truck through the drive thru. An employee came out and took his order, the delivered it to the driver. Worth mentioning. Also, the bacon deluxe and the Coquito Frosty, also, worth mentioning

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