Zil boutique i San Juan

Puerto RicoZil boutique



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Calle Teniente César Luis González, 00918, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-946-8599
internet side: zilboutique.com
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Latitude: 18.4218087, Longitude: -66.067373

kommentar 5

  • Raquel Marichal

    Raquel Marichal


    Gracias a Zil Boutique por mi vestido, me encanto. Como siempre el trato y la atención en la boutique es la mejor.

  • en

    Dayanara Martinez Rosado


    LOVEEEE!!! This is, without a doubt, the best boutique in the metro area!! Every time I visit there's always a good selection of styles to choose from, a great range of colors, and best of all, I ALWAYS find a few things that other boutiques don't have, which is the point of a boutique. From the moment I arrive to the moment I leave the store, I am treated with great customer service. I never write reviews, but this is the reason why I did because the employees are so attentive and super nice. I've never had a bad experience. Highly recommend this boutique!!!

  • es

    Ivette Y Villanueva Rosado


    Excelente servicio. Recomendado 100%. Llegue a la boutique para el año 2014 buscando un traje para la fiesta de Navidad de mi lugar de trabajo. Ya habia tenido la oportunidad de ver la variedad de trajes hermosos que tenian a través de la cuenta de Instagram. Gracias a las chicas que alli trabajan logre conseguir el traje que estaba buscando para la ocasión. Desde ese entonces Zil Boutique se ha convertido en mi opción número uno al momento de buscar ropa para todos mis eventos especiales. Tienen una gran variedad de ropa para todo tipo de actividades ya sea: bodas, fiestas del trabajo, cumpleaños, conciertos, jangeos, entre otros. El servicio es excelente. Me siento muy a gusto al momento de hacer mis compras allí ya que conocen mis gustos y me brindan recomendaciones a cerca de que vestido es más apropiado para mi. Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de comprarme un vestido rojo para una boda semiformal y quede muy satisfecha con el mismo ya que lucia espectacular con el puesto.

  • Isabel Cristina

    Isabel Cristina


    I'm deciding to post this review after much thought and specially after I was blocked from their Facebook page for the comment I left under my friend's review. I atended this Boutique for the first time a few days back. I came across this place by accident and I was hopeful I could find an outfit for my daughter's christening. I had been to several other places but was still without an outfit. I entered with my daughter and two of my best friends, after telling the two sales women what I was looking for I told them I was open to anything they had to show me, however since it was for a christening I did not want to wear the color black. They showed me a few dresses but I only tried on two since they were the only options appropriate for the occasion. However, both dresses did not fit my body the right way. Now the two sales women did not hesitate to comment on my body, choice of style and color. My friend wrote and got replied by the owner. To which I commented too and got blocked right after. This is my opinion on this Boutique, do not waste your time here. Bad quality of clothes and bad customer service.

  • xyliann yazmine

    xyliann yazmine


    Well since you can't remove reviews from google I will once again share the ordeal my friend had to undergo today. When the store owner and the other sales attendant decided to try to push a sale by throwing style judgements towards a new mother no further than two days after International Women's day. To comment on a mother's desire to wear clothes that fit tight right after childbirth is not the proper way to represent your brand. It shows your lack of etiquette and your deep seeded judgement. Who are you to tell her what is right to wear? Did you study high fashion to open your boutique and sell catalogue order models of premade , prêt à porté clothing? Do you even know what prêt à porté means? Your opinion is not the guide she should go by, she should go about her style, comfortability and taste. Moreover, had she just given birth or not she may wear whatever style she desires because she is paying for it and the price tag doesn't include your sass. In addition to the sizing ordeal, to pretend you are great service provider but comment on the fact that she doesn't want to wear black and she's not giving the opportunity to pieces in your store isn't just harassment but plain stupid considering it is for the christening of her child. But I guess you were too busy passing judgement to deduce this. And to round up this review, let's inform the only reason I'm talking time out of my day to do this is the fact that when a very offended person went to leave a negative review for the treatment pointing out it must have been a bad day because the store looked great, they were called liars in public, blamed for the experience, and after the mother replied went on to block them from the page and disable the review. Great salesmanship. Grade A professional behavior ladies. Women like you, tearing into other women, are what's tearing this world apart.

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