7eight7 Night Club i San Juan

Puerto Rico7eight7 Night Club


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1420, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: 7eight7.com
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Latitude: 18.4470673, Longitude: -66.0699359

kommentar 5

  • Tee D

    Tee D


    Great house music and a well air conditioned environment which makes a huge difference in PR. Definitely a younger crowd at this spot. My only complaint was the expensive drinks no tap water and the bottles were 4 dollars

  • Reynaldo Collazo

    Reynaldo Collazo


    Very Bad Service

  • John Ayala

    John Ayala


    Nice club

  • Norman Laborde

    Norman Laborde


    One bartender for one huge bar in a big event. There were times when there was no bartender at all

  • J M

    J M


    Lighting kept breaking. But was OK. Just ok. Djs were awesome. Music excellent. Dancer very cool. Patrons pretty chill. We paid for the open. Do not do this. It's not an open bar. 2 or 3 spirits. Couldn't even get a Coke. Everyone we got drinks still asked for money

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