Temptation i San Juan

Puerto RicoTemptation



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608, Calle Bolívar, 00909, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-309-8888
internet side: temptationpr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4433403, Longitude: -66.0658326

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eleazar Colon Alvarado


    I didn’t care for it that much I probably wouldn’t go back

  • en

    A G


    Outdated music, A/C does not cool the place down when crowded, no cards accepted. Cash only. Many ghetto "go go boys" around trying to get your business. They have horrible attitudes and confrontational if you reject their pushy approach to "dance" in front of you. All they want is your money. Bathrooms are not enough for amount of public. Better go to Circo bar/club. I'm sure the place is a money laundry.

  • es

    Jorge Figueroa Gomez


    Exelente club me encanto servicio en la bar mi bueno el show de Ruddys Martínez Exelente como siempre se vota !! Llegue como a las 1:30 am estaba fuel el club waoooo me fascinó !!

  • en

    Gregory Lawrence


    Late night disco and street food window. Easy to reach from hotel areas - walked form my hotel in the tourist area in about 15 minutes and then had the doorman call me a taxi that got me home in less than 5 minutes. Big, loud, happy, gorgeous people - everything you want a disco to be! Technically a gay disco - but my friends all had a good time and it was a very mixed crowd of gay, lesbian, trans, straight and who cares? Everyone had a great time! Free entrance - so it seems like lots of people come in, have a drink or two and leave - but we stayed for the show at about 2:30 and then headed home. We'll be back!

  • Gungo San Juan

    Gungo San Juan


    Big new gay disco in the Arts District - across the highway from all the hotels. Its close to Tia Maria where I usually go - so I took the short walk and had a great time. Doesn't get going until after midnight. I got there about 10:30 and so got happy hour prices until it started to fill up later. Show was really late at about 2:30am - so it was about 3am when I headed back to the hotel Front door security guy called me a taxi and I was back at my hotel in 5 minutes. I'll be back since its open every night!

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