AAA Gun Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoAAA Gun Shop



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Calle Blay, 00936, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-781-6125
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4236912, Longitude: -66.0946228

kommentar 5

  • Eddie Serrano

    Eddie Serrano


    It's nice and clean places

  • juan duran

    juan duran


    Best gun shop in PR , expensive .

  • Ivan Garcia-Caban

    Ivan Garcia-Caban


    Great variety, great service with plenty of staff, one-stop shop.

  • Luis Ruiz

    Luis Ruiz


    If you go to AAA Gun Shop and you are visiting the Island. There are a few things you need to know. Do not travel to the Island if you don't have a Puertorican CCW. You need to acquire it prior to your arrival. Estimated cost 2k and will take about 1yr. If you're lucky. Then you have to join a local club which will cost aprox. 85.00 dollars. After all that you can only buy ammo for the caliber of your firearms. Range lanes are to narrow, the recoche of casings will always hit you it you use a pistol. All this hassle is not worth it.

  • en

    chris laube


    The owners and employees always friendly and strive to handle any request or problem .The selection is excellent. One of the only full armorers in the San Juan area. Custom Kydek holsters and sheaths while you wait. They gave a good assortment of ammunition. Classes including tactical, safety and Florida/Utah cc permit. Range is well maintained, air conditioned and has a range officer on duty (the only range I know of in PR that has this). Finally some excellent custom work if you are willing to wait.

nærmeste Butik

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