Allied Car & Truck Rental i Carolina

Puerto RicoAllied Car & Truck Rental



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Marginal Los Angeles, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-726-7350
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4296, Longitude: -65.9943782

kommentar 5

  • Chiri San

    Chiri San


    Worst experience in my life, waiting time to pick up the vehicle more than 2 hours, only one employee on the counter and only one dispatching vehicles! To complete my horrible experience they give me a car that the registration expired before my return date and they pretend that I make a 1 hour travel at midnight to encounter an employee in the street to get the updated registration and over all that the employee call me with attitudes as if they giving me that car for free!! I paid for the worst service I received in all my life!! Never will use this rental again!! NEVER!! This people don't know what is customer service!! They fully ignore it!!!

  • Rayos Esperanza

    Rayos Esperanza


    They deserve less than one star, but this is the lowest google will go.

  • Sophia Tan

    Sophia Tan


    Worst car rental experience. Waited for two hours and they only processed two customers before us. I genuinely do not understand how possibly it took that long. The staff was not in any rush to get anything done. Regretted for the wasted time and possibly terrible experience for billing based on other reviews. Never again.

  • Pedro Martinez

    Pedro Martinez


    (Representative Luis G Reyes ) was very rude and don’t understand the meaning of customer service when customers have questions. I had questions on y my price change by $135 per car that we had already did a reservation for. Also a lot of the prices change from when you do the reservation to when you actually come in and pay it which makes No total sense. They have a lot of hidden fees as a company. Trust me this will be my last time renting here. The manager that came to help was very rude as well when I was with someone who didn’t speak Spanish. It feels like management don’t care about the customers questions and actual needs they just want to make as much money as possible off the customer. Need better management and need better people skills.

  • Evelyn OyolA

    Evelyn OyolA


    Horrible place!!!!!!!! We waited for one!!!! Hour to be taken to the airport when we return the car. The guy Michael Blanco keep telling us they are on the way! They never show!! We had to pay a taxi and we ended up missing our flight. I had a panic attack it was horrible experience. We are taking legal action with this company.

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