National Car Rental i San Juan

Puerto RicoNational Car Rental



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Salvador Caro Ave, San Juan, Carolina 00979, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-1805
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.437049, Longitude: -66.0054252

kommentar 5

  • Christina Torres

    Christina Torres


    No complaints st all. The staff were excellent and courteous. Answered all my questions. Loved the vehicle.

  • Norma Maldonado

    Norma Maldonado


    The agents at the National Car Rental ( San Juan , PR) are the best. They make sure that your car is ready from clean, Clorox wipes and certification that has being sanitized. This agents are the best. Thank you National

  • Mike Roberson

    Mike Roberson


    Super easy to pick a vehicle with friendly staff. They charged me the a half tank after drop off, had to call but they fixed it with little issue.

  • Mollie Meredith

    Mollie Meredith


    I know I can always count on National! When our trip in Puerto Rico didn’t come anywhere close to how we planned it, National was the only part that went smoothly. I appreciate their constant friendly service and making renting a car easy and hassle free.

  • Dr. Robert Lee

    Dr. Robert Lee


    I have supplied two stars for this rental because the people were extremely nice and the pick up and drop off were extremely easy. The car however had almost 34,000 miles on it. The shocks were in total need a replacement and the car was just tired. Because of the suspension, it did not hold the road well and the ride was not comfortable. This was in a Chrysler 300 which is purported to be a top-of-the-line vehicle. It was very disappointing.

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