U-Save Car & Truck Rental Puerto Rico i Carolina

Puerto RicoU-Save Car & Truck Rental Puerto Rico



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Marginal Biascoechea, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-253-4008
internet side: www.usave.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4424928, Longitude: -66.0148169

kommentar 5

  • Kristian Alekov

    Kristian Alekov


    Very quick and efficient, no lines either. Took me maybe 10 min total to get it. Got the best deal with them, had a minivan with Allied/Routes at over a hundred dollars per day, now switched to a compact with these guys and it’s like $10 per day with taxes and all. What a difference!

  • Laurelei Mendoza

    Laurelei Mendoza


    The pick up process was terribly long. Waiting for a long time for the shuttle to come to the airport, no one answered the phone when we called, then there were only 2 workers there to help all the customers. It took forever. Upon returning the car they wanted to charge a large fee for cleaning it- it was hardly dirty at all. So we had to go find a cleaning place and clean it ourselves before being able to return it. The whole process took many many hours off our vacation time. Will never rent from this company again. We decided to extend our trip a few more days so we called to extend the car and they told us we had to bring it all the way back (we were staying over 2 hours away) and re-rent it. Difficult company. The only good thing was the car we rented was actually new and good.

  • Miguel De Jesus

    Miguel De Jesus


    Be careful with this company (U safe). On Saturday December 19 around 4:00 in the afternoon I went to get my reservation. When I went to get my car they wanted to charge me a mandatory insurance. Then the client who was next was arguing the same problem. The price was going to be almost double. I understand that as customers we must read all the information before booking, but that does not give the employees the right to be rude. The two employees on Saturday 19 at 4:30 who were on the counter were very rude and disrespectful to me and the customer next to me. unfortunately I did not see the names. people like those guys can’t be in customer service. . They have no idea what is good service.

  • Marilyn Higgs

    Marilyn Higgs


    So we rented a car and thought we were getting a great deal, car only had half a tank of gas on arrival. Upon returning the car was inspected and we got the all clear. The next day they charged 100$ fee for excessive sand without contacting me. When I called I asked if they detail the cars between uses and they said yes, so I asked why they charged me 100$ and they said there was sand in the car...

  • Jacqueline Encarnacion

    Jacqueline Encarnacion


    Good services

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