Dollar Rent-A-Car i Carolina

Puerto RicoDollar Rent-A-Car



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Torsdagåben 24 timer
Fredagåben 24 timer
Calle Jose M. Tartak, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.440917, Longitude: -66.0219043

kommentar 5

  • es

    Reiv Serr


    Buena gente

  • es

    Luis Figueroa



  • Juan Perez

    Juan Perez


    I never thought I would write a review for Rent-A-Car place let alone a franchise but I was floored by the exceptional service, friendliness and story of this family run operation. We rented for only one day, mostly to go to El Yunque. They registered us quickly, the class of car we wanted was available and brand new. They included the price of insurance and tolls as a convenience, so if you don't want it, just let them know. The previous rating almost had us miss out on this place so I hope to offset it, don't make that mistake.

  • en

    Tommy Kim


    I had to wait an awfully long time both for pick up and drop off.

  • en

    Vincent Chabot


    Terrible !! Never seen such a poor customer service and dishonesty on prices. Surprise begins at desk when, after booking the car for 85$ on the internet, final price turns out to be more than 250$ !!! I cannot believe Puerto Rico taxes are responsible for such an increase. Having no other choice, I had to take the car but not showing final price on the internet on purpose is for me dishonesty and close to racket. Second, there is supposed to be a service that drives you back to the airport after returning the car. Service is available until 5, I come at 4.30, wait for 20 min, to hear the guy say it's too late in the rudest manner I've ever heard, as if I was annoying him to ask for a service they are supposed to offer. I definitely not recommended dollar rent a car and not this place in particular (i already experienced their service in a NYC agency and service was not good as well)

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