Charlie car Rental i Carolina

Puerto RicoCharlie car Rental



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Isla Verde Avenue Roundabout, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-728-2418
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4424685, Longitude: -66.023118

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jonathan Tirado


    Servisio fue rapido pero no me gusta que el carro tiene un sello que dice Charlie's car rental.

  • en

    Chris Mathieu


    Church in at main office was fine. Returning not so much. Returned car to the Condado lication. Office was locked when we arrived at 11:48am and no sign on the door. Other renters just leaving in their car said lady had taken someone to airport and then was going to lunch; office would reopen at 1 pm. She did come back at 12:20 and said she would service us at 1pm after her lunch. Another renter knocked on the locked office door at 12:45 so at that time she closed out our rental and said she would take us to cruise dock after helping other customer. Three other renters showed up who she also serviced as one of them as well as the very first one drove away in their cars. Finally, at 1:30, another woman, who came from the main Charlie’s location, arrived and drove us to the cruise dock. This customer service was very bad and not due to the lady working the office (though she could have put a “back at” sign up on hand written paper - even if it looks unprofessional). The company should provide, at busy times additional help, to alleviate our situation as well as a professional sign stating when the office will reopen.

  • LE



    They offer low prices but then the cost is increased by various fees, including the device for the toll. It took 40 minutes for the shuffle bus to pick us up at the airport. They did not answer the phone and the facilities (interiors) are badly damaged.

  • Antonio Dejesus Jr.

    Antonio Dejesus Jr.


    This place is great. The staff is super friendly

  • en

    Nicholas MacLeod


    One of the few local rental agencies that has rates that are affordable and honest. Service was friendly and professional, making both picking up and dropping the car off an easy process. The car was clean, got good gas mileage, and came with both an USB and Aux port. If you’re going to be leaving the San Juan area make sure to purchase the Easy Toll option in order to save some money!

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