Europcar i Carolina

Puerto RicoEuropcar



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10, Avenida Laguna, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-710-2777
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4313882, Longitude: -66.0169883

kommentar 5

  • Brian Christensen

    Brian Christensen


    We had a good experience with this company. They are not directly at the airport, but just outside and have a shuttle that runs in demand. They were at the airport waiting for us based on our reservation time. I'd rent from them again. Friendly and professional staff.

  • Charlie Galik

    Charlie Galik


    Watch out for a $50 detailing fee if you bring the car back with sand and crumbs. Also took around 1 hour to rent even with reservation, but that might be island normal.

  • Lakeshia Wheeler

    Lakeshia Wheeler


    Guys were nice and friendly the shuttle picked us up and dropped us off... very timely...

  • en

    Hedilbert Galarza


    When I arrived they didn't have a car for me even though I had a reservation, spent a little extra and safe that you will have a car.

  • Charles Bucher

    Charles Bucher


    Probably about on par with every rental car agency in the area, but be prepared to have added costs and make sure everything is put on one card. The deposit and the toll ez-pass weren’t mentioned when we booked and staff didn’t handle it well, but when we returned the car, we were able to work things out and they were able to help us. They do offer a shuttle to and from the San Juan airport and will help load and unload your bags. The driver also helped us get out great-grandmother in and out of the shuttle van, which was really nice. Be sure to tip him!

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