Aquarium Specialties i Trujillo Alto

Puerto RicoAquarium Specialties



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G-14, Avenida Aa, 00976, Trujillo Alto, Cuevas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-283-1010
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3696772, Longitude: -66.0295299

kommentar 5

  • José Cáceres-Cardona

    José Cáceres-Cardona


    Excellent aquarium selection and knowledgeable about marine livestock (fishes and corals)

  • Yahaira Lopez

    Yahaira Lopez


    The store was closed on a Sunday and the owner was nice enough to sell me a battery pump for me y fish tank. I was so greatful 🐟🙏💙

  • Dude 008 dude

    Dude 008 dude


    Place We don't Trust .prices too high . A lot MERCHANDISE from China. Overprice merchandise from China. Customers be advise.

  • Yolanda Mayorda

    Yolanda Mayorda


    Top quality personalized service. I called with general questions about my new fish, and the owner himself, , listened to even my most basic questions and gave thorough answers and explanations. Aquarium Specialties highly recommended

  • Luis Graulau

    Luis Graulau


    Conveniently located and easy to find. Staff is very helpful and willing to put in special orders. Freshwater selection is lacking most of the time but saltwater selection is vast. A lot of aquariums available for sale in different sizes. Overall a good store though prices for livestock are high.

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