Petco i San Juan

Puerto RicoPetco



🕗 åbningstider

65 Infanteria Shopping Center Rio Piedras, San Juan, 00923, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-294-8800
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3960692, Longitude: -66.0422841

kommentar 5

  • david rodriguez

    david rodriguez


    I just visited Petco at 65th infantery avenue PR. The manager and the cashier saw goi g in i ask if there was a attendant at the aquarium area, she stated thatby3sbit was. I waited 5 minutes no one was there. I ask her again that to please send someone to help. She call someone over-the paige system. And after 15 minutes I jeft the store because no one came to asist me. Thanks

  • Aury De Jesus

    Aury De Jesus


    This a small store but have a huge inventory. Nice personnel.

  • Karla R

    Karla R


    Excellent Service and I always find what my pets need. They also accept other types of payment like apple and Samsung pay which is great if you forget your wallet 😅 at home

  • Miguel Vargas

    Miguel Vargas


    Conveniently located and the staff is very nice and helpful

  • Hector Oquendo-Rivera

    Hector Oquendo-Rivera


    Good items. Excellent service. Polite and very nice employees. I found everyrhing I needed. Nice location of the pet store.

nærmeste Dyrehandel

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