Ashford Hospital i San Juan

Puerto RicoAshford Hospital



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1451, Ave Dr Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-2160
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4560019, Longitude: -66.0654712

kommentar 5

  • jack meoff

    jack meoff


    had to pay 74360516801460 dollars for a box of plasters

  • Ryan Balkissoon

    Ryan Balkissoon


    Speak English and quick service. Tourist friendly.

  • Perris Williams

    Perris Williams


    10/01/2020 I went to the emergency room. I told the triage nurse that I don't have medical insurance. She told me I would not be admitted or seen in the emergency room unless I place a 500$ deposit. I crawled to an Uber, went to the airports and borded a flight to Florida for less than 200$ and was treated in Tampa by kind and careful service. They even worked with me on a payment plan after.

  • Maribel Rosa

    Maribel Rosa


    My mom was on surgery and after the doctor call to bring the status, the personnel from recovery never call me to indicate that my mom will be moved to a room. I call two times and they indicates that she is on recovery. After 4hr 45min I finally found my mom in a Room, unacceptable move a patient alone in the room, when they know that she is with a family. Once in the room, the bathroom do not have hand liquid soap. Very important part of Covid protocol.The guard of the hospital was super nice and offer help me with my bags..The experience was very stressful.

  • Angie OMahony

    Angie OMahony


    Where do I begin? Was sent to the ER by my doctor for lack of a better place to get the treatment needed. The staff is friendly and respectful and the hospital is clean. Other than that, the medical attention has room for improvement. The nurses in charge of cleaning the bed/patient were very nice, but I felt there wasn’t real care from the doctors, no urgency whatsoever. The patients' wellbeing and comfort are of no one’s interest but your own. The longer they can keep you there (in a bed with no pillow, no blanket, coming by your room as rarely as possible, sharing as little information with you as possible, with a 2-minute doctor visit a day), the better THEY are. No comparison to the hospitals and care in the US.

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