Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital i San Juan

Puerto RicoAshford Presbyterian Community Hospital



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1451, Ave Dr Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-2160
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4560019, Longitude: -66.0654712

kommentar 5

  • es

    Sebastián Francisco Poblete


    Pésimo sector de pediatría, se aprovecharon de que somos turistas con seguro médico para intentar sacarle sangre sin éxito a una bebé de 1 año y lastimarla. Claramente tenía conjuntivitis y luego de dos horas y media, mucho llanto, análisis innecesarios y un sermón poco creíble de porque tantos análisis, nos pudimos retirar con nuestra receta para la conjuntivitis. No le recomiendo la atención pediátrica a nadie en ese lugar y menos si no son residentes.

  • es

    Evelyn Ocasio


    Excelente hospital todos son muy amables. Desde recepción hasta la última persona en atender a uno en admisiones, enfermeras, personal de oficinas todos, todos, todos le doy A+.

  • en

    Osr Cdo Vqz


    Everything run fast at the beginning to catch the greens once you complete the documents, after that have to wait and wait and wait for X-ray, at this time no X-ray yet. Personnel said can't do nothing.

  • Dani Guardiola

    Dani Guardiola


    Edit: might be bad luck but on the second visit the doctor that attended me that time told me in a kind of aggressive way that i should be going through emergencies or whatever. Well I was following my insurance's instructions and I was quite sick so it kinda actually was an emergency for me -as I explained to him. I couldn't work for almost two weeks and he made me a prescription for basically candy for the throat, then told me that it would be gone in about two days. I was sick for another two weeks. Not the best experience this time around. Original review: I had a good experience here, the staff is helpful and nice and I got the medical attention I needed without complication.

  • en

    Luis Fernandez


    Worst hospital in town. Don't even try to go to the emergency room. Doctors there thing they are God, and can treat you as a disposable object. They don't take their time to understand and explain anything. Try to go somewhere else. Never there. (and please, do not try to make labs there.... You will need the whole morning until they collect the samples...)

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