Ashford Imperial i San Juan

Puerto RicoAshford Imperial



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Ashford Ave 1302 Condado, San Juan, PR 00907
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-5337
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4551939, Longitude: -66.0699126

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ronnie Smith


    One of the best places I've ever stayed. Less than a few mins walk away from the beach with a hot tub and pool along with a gym and laundry room. You have your own nice apartment with a kitchen and a balcony as Well as full cable tv and internet. Beach views from the balcony are lovely and enticing. Puerto Rico is a fantastic place to visit and the Ashford Imperial made it even more of a pleasure for my wife and I.

  • Eddie A Rios

    Eddie A Rios


    Nice view

  • en

    nikki williams


    This place is in a great location. It is directly across the street from the Marriott Stallaris. Literally it is 1 block from Condado beach. The view from our balcony was awesome. There are many restaurants and bars within blocks. It is a very secure building. If you don't have access you will not get past the lobby. Great place.

  • Liza Barriera

    Liza Barriera


  • Ralph Castellanos

    Ralph Castellanos


    Clean one bedroom condo, living room, kitchen, balcony, pool, laundry room, gym, security, secure underground parking, one block from beach and shops, $135 a night. No complaints.

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