We Got This Realty & Relocation Concierge Services Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoWe Got This Realty & Relocation Concierge Services Puerto Rico



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1359, Calle Luchetti, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-649-5276
internet side: www.wegotthispr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4536619, Longitude: -66.0686997

kommentar 3

  • Cruznilda Canales

    Cruznilda Canales


  • Michael Schoonover

    Michael Schoonover


    I am so glad that I found this service. They took care of picking up my car from the port, registering everything, putting on the plates, and bringing the car to me. I did nothing but drop off the title. Save yourself the headache and use We Got This PR for these types of items.

  • ross Johnson

    ross Johnson


    I want to give a shoutout to a really special person :) Maria Del Mar Ortiz has been so helpful in my process of relocating to Puerto Rico. She is a concierge on the island and a godsend. I’m moving from the US for Act 20 / 20 (hollaaaaa 💸) and I didn’t know anything coming to this island. Drivers license, fining homes, restaurants, getting around, touring the places to stay... So much to take in! I really value my time too so that’s why I was happy to connect with Maria. She has saved me a lot of time by helping me with the whole process. No more guess work - thank god. I wanted to write this to let you guys know about my experience because I’m sure I’m not the only one who values their time and wants the whole process of relocating to be easy. If you need help with anything, seriously hit up Maria. She is so friggin awesome. Thanks again Maria!!!!

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