At Wind Chimes Boutique Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoAt Wind Chimes Boutique Hotel



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1750, Avenida McLeary, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-727-4153
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Latitude: 18.452808, Longitude: -66.060358

kommentar 5

  • Charles Somervill

    Charles Somervill


    I would have given this 5 stars if they're swimming pool is open past 6 p.m. We stayed here mainly for one night before we had to fly out and chose it because I had a swimming pool. The staff was incredibly friendly and the rooms are really cute! I love the layout of the entire place.

  • Rachel Echevarria

    Rachel Echevarria


    Let me start by saying I vacation around the world and pick two hotels for every place I stay. I work as a journalist for hotel review website and this place is worse hotel out of any place stayed. I will make sure article and review is detailed along with photos and video of service. A $45 a night hotel was 10x better then this one by far. Staff extremely rude and asked for early check in and still had to wait till 4. As for 24 front desk not true. Front door key also opens room which makes me think does every one have key to room. Pool closes early and no housekeeping at all in 4 nights here. They say sound proof room, so not true. You want clean and good hotel pay the extra for AC hotel or any hostel in PR. Out dated and dirty. Only positive thing I can say is there is a young girl that’s new and works evenings before closing that was wonderful. She did her best to make the best stay. If they had her manage this place I’m sure she could get in shape. Only positive review this hotel will get with a photo of that young lady. Please stay turned for article and video of hotel. Don’t be fooled by photos online.

  • Eva Yang

    Eva Yang


    Don’t be tricked by their pictures on or their website. I stayed there for 5 days and I wanted to move out since 1st day. The room was so disgusting!! The floor was sticky. There were so many flies and mosquitos in the room. I asked to move to another room, rejected. I asked for cancellation and refund, rejected. The hotel is NOT willing to accommodate any need.

  • Denise Venerable

    Denise Venerable


    I had a great experience here. The room was comfortable and clean. The staff were very friendly and helpful. I had a change to my plans and the staff member was extremely helpful and kind. This place is literally down the street from the beach and in walking distance to many restaurants. Walgreens is less than a mile away in which I was able to walk to.

  • Roberto Sanchez

    Roberto Sanchez


    Very close to beach but Never again. Website pictures look great but when you get here no parking. We had to park 4 blocks away. And was advised that Pool closes at 6pm. Definitely not a place to enjoy your vacation. Spend the extra money and enjoy a better vacation.

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