Hosteria Del Mar i San Juan

Puerto RicoHosteria Del Mar



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1, Calle Tapia, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-727-3302
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4538311, Longitude: -66.0517203

kommentar 5

  • Marcos Orellana

    Marcos Orellana


    I did not loved it, but I did not hated it as well. It is one of those hotels that have nothing special. You'd go to this place to sleep and nothing more.

  • Ingrid Gonzalez

    Ingrid Gonzalez


    We spent a night at this hotel for $250 and it was the worst decision. The hotel was practically vacant, barely any staff. The room was supposed to be one bed. What we got was a 2 bed room and a bathroom that that was falling apart, broken tiles, no hot water and a shower head that was clogged ... only thing that was nice was the view from the balcony

  • Doel Vaz

    Doel Vaz


    Beachfront property, you can hear waves all day long from my room. Friendly staff, good food

  • Jim Matyas

    Jim Matyas


    Always friendly! The manager was super nice, bought sone beers and left them paid. Picked up two days later and she remembered me and had helpful wait staff bring the cold frosty beers. Very Covid safe and conscious establishment. Clean and neat, amazing ocean view! Beach a few steps away!

  • Kevin Kent

    Kevin Kent


    What's left of the beach that used to be in front of this property. I wish I would have known this before we booked. We stayed here precisely because we had seen photos of beach chairs comfortably in the beach above the water just steps from the hotel :(

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