Coqui del Mar Guest House i San Juan

Puerto RicoCoqui del Mar Guest House


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2218, Calle General del Valle, 00913, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-220-4204
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Latitude: 18.4521237, Longitude: -66.0439873

kommentar 5

  • Amber Hansen

    Amber Hansen


    Staff is always will to give recommendations of restaurants and how to get around. They are very nice​ and help you prepare for a new adventure. The room was rather inexpensive and very hospitable. Room has a a small but fully functional kitchen and they have a community hot tube. Plus the hotel is right next to the beach

  • David Hawkins

    David Hawkins


    This was my second stay at Coqui Del Mar, and it was incredible, just as the first was. Very proud of the owners, as they have made posh upgrades and accommodations to an already perfect location in the heart of Ocean Park. With less than a minute's walk to the ocean, CDM offers a convenient, safe, stylish and clean lodging in San Juan. The on-site staff is courteous and reliable!! With the newly finished backyard, indoor pool, jacuzzi, rooftop and water feature, don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to hangout there the entire day! I have had the pleasure of extensive travel and this place, by far, exceeds all expectations. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  • Nikki Allen

    Nikki Allen


    My friend and I stayed at the Conqui Del Mar last week and had the best time! The apt. was decorated beautifully and we even had a pool in our backyard! The location was perfect! We could walk to the beach, grocery store, restaurants or uber anywhere in San Juan for under $10. Rob was such a pleasure to work with and we will be returning in the near future!

  • en

    Justin Wade


    Stayed here for about ten days while working hurricane Maria. The room was fresh and clean, the internet worked well and the facilities were better than most chain hotels. This was by dar the best place I've stayed this year, out of about 16 other hotels. Robert was accommodating and helpful . Do yourselves a favor and pass up the other hotels in San Juan to give this place a shot.

  • Edwin D

    Edwin D


    You Will Not Regret It! Romantic, Island-style villa in the comfy Ocean Park section of San Juan. Staff like Estee and Rob are what makes this location a place you must stay at! Close to the beach and all the amazing San Juan hot-spots!

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