Atlantic University College i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoAtlantic University College



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9, Calle George L Colton, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-1022
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Latitude: 18.3574023, Longitude: -66.1117395

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jean Valentin Velilla


    The school definitely enjoys some of the better technology the island has to offer, however, the organization in the school is poor. I am an out of state graduate student.They waited less than two weeks before school started in August 2017 to request approval for my financial aid, and they failed to retrieve/request all necessary documentation of my collegiate experience which almost led to additional issues with other scholarships ( that did not come from the school itself). Luckily, I saved about three months worth of living expenses before moving because they weren't even sure what I qualified for. Interestingly, my acceptance was received January 2017. Let's not even mention that I came in prior to a time when the Island was hit by one of the worst Hurricanes in years, so I was significantly impacted by their negligence. The saddest part is that the financial aid director wasn't even really sure what I could and couldn't apply for. Most schools accommodate and offer loans for expenses related to living expenses like housing and transportation ( because not everyone has the luxury of moving across the ocean with a job for graduate school). They do not seem to feel that this is an important thing to advocate for on behalf of the students. I know this because I spoke to representatives of FAFSA during the ordeal, and they clarified that the school determines those cases. ( This would be something you really need to prepare for before considering your move if you do apply. ) Do everything in your power to have a very clear understanding of the funds you have access to if you will need financial aid. Objectively speaking, my experience with the faculty has varied. The courses are loosely structured. I wouldn't call the work rigorous or demanding, but professors often fail to give clear instructions, and then displace the blame on students capacity to intuitively understand what the minimum and maximum requirements for course work are. ( except for the professor who teaches typography. He's excellent. ) Basically, you will have a lot of trouble figuring out what it means for a project to be considered complete or well done. Is it quantity or quality?? You can never really be sure. Luckily, many are flexible about submissions, so you do have more opportunities to improve on your work. ( You may need this thanks to the issues of vague instructions. ) The pros: -Affordable ( you will be hard pressed to find another program like this in the mainland) -access to technology like tablets and updated software for graphic designers -The university is easy to find as it is at the center of the historic part of Guaynabo City - small school ( this becomes a problem when it comes to access ) Cons: - They have failed to uphold a systematic space for graduate students to do their work where they have access to technology, so you are often competing with undergrads for space. -You have to write a thesis. They have limited staff available to assist you with this process and the classes that are dedicated to help you develop your writing are tailored as a one-size fits all model. -The resource center is small and the physical text are limited to visual arts subjects -No digital catalog of books and resources at the resources center -Not enough advocacy for student involvement which reflects the business component of the institution rather than its academic value.

  • es

    Alien Universi


    Iré a esa universidad

  • es

    Aquarii Al


    Finalmente encontré una universidad dedicada superiormente en equipo tecnológicos en el campo de las artes digitales. Además, es la única universidad enfocada en una educación digital con grados asociados, bachilleratos y maestrías que tiene un amplio campus.

  • Ladyshavanna Concepcion

    Ladyshavanna Concepcion


    La organizacion del sistema es de primera . Son muy personales con los estudiantes son otra cosa en servicio al estudiante. Tienen un amplio parking para uso personal de los estudiantes y visitantes. Las faciidades limpias y el ambiente bajo supervicion todo el tiempo y su perimetro tambien. Los maestros son pro estudiantes tambien se hacen muchas actividades .

  • santiago santiago

    santiago santiago


    Alguien conoce de algún hospedaje cerca de esta universidad o algún número de teléfono donde pueda llamar. Soy de Ponce y necesito ayuda con este asunto!! Gracias!!

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