Banco Popular i San Juan

Puerto RicoBanco Popular



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22, Avenida Winston Churchill, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-751-4515
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3699407, Longitude: -66.0678822

kommentar 5

  • Arwend Lynn Gracia

    Arwend Lynn Gracia


    Hours are Mon-Fri 8 am-3pm Saturdays and Sundays they do not open I hope it will be useful to all

  • Felix Lopez

    Felix Lopez


    I witnessed today a boy who went to withdraw money and the machine jammed the money he went to claim and they told him that they have to wait for them to close to verify the ath. They only took the information and that they called him. They are inconsiderate They do not care if I needed the emergency money or anything, just go and we will call you. That is why it is always empty and the clients of that bank are being taken by their bureaucratic protocols.

  • Liss Irizarry

    Liss Irizarry


    I'm not giving it 0 stars because it can't. They are too slow, and if the machine eats your money you have to wait more than 1 hour for them to solve you. Completely slow and inefficient system. I do not recommend to anybody. And the manager could have cared less about my situation. "Excellent!"

  • Jose Martinez

    Jose Martinez


    I am looking to open a money market account but the website does not indicate the requirements, it only says we loan credit cards and car loans. I will look for another bank

  • Ronny Santana

    Ronny Santana


    Update your information. It appears open on Saturdays with hours until 1pm and when you arrive at the branch you find that it only opens from Monday to Friday. Don't make customers waste time and gas.

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