Oriental Bank i San Juan

Puerto RicoOriental Bank



🕗 åbningstider

San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-620-0000
internet side: orientalbank.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3719661, Longitude: -66.0693651

kommentar 5

  • Javier Feliciano

    Javier Feliciano


    They are about 🐷

  • Liani De La Rosa Rosario

    Liani De La Rosa Rosario


    Too much waiting for a car balance letter and they charge us over $ 30.

  • Rafael Maldonado

    Rafael Maldonado


    Customer service is not good, and on top of that the same eployees state that other employees dont know about products or services. Just nonsence

  • Brenda Berrios

    Brenda Berrios


    Cliente🤬 lousy service. More than 3 hours waiting for a balance to repay loan and intend to charge $ 10 for the printed balance.

  • Efrain Rivera Junior

    Efrain Rivera Junior


    Do not believe these criminals. After they are liars, they are also abusers. We are the ones who offered us the "extension" in the mortgage loans for Hurricane Maria. And after the alleged extension, they send us a letter saying that either the months of extension are paid in full, or we take them home. If it is not because Jay Fonseca unmasked them, we did not reach an agreement. Now they come with another story that my parents have to travel to San Juan to sign OTHER documents. But my parents are elderly people who are sick and they told him that they could only go to a branch in Mayagüez. Well, these ABUSERS are going to charge you $ 75 because they, a multimillion-dollar bank, have no way to fill those documents in Mayagüez, and you have to pay the poor lawyer who died of hunger for the trip. If you are thinking about making a deal with Oriental Bank, DO NOT DO IT. This bank are ABUSERS AND CRIMINALS. That's why Jay Fonseca sweeps the floor with them every now and then.

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