Banco Popular - Sucursal Condado Gallery i San Juan

Puerto RicoBanco Popular - Sucursal Condado Gallery



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Al lado de Plazoleta del Condado 100 Ave. Roberto H. Todd, San Juan, P.R. 00907, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-8000
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Latitude: 18.4527, Longitude: -66.073639

kommentar 5

  • Halie Suzy (Adventure Mermaid)

    Halie Suzy (Adventure Mermaid)


    Absolutely useless. Their ATM at Walgreens on Calle Loíza cancelled my transaction after failing to give me my money. So I visit the bank and told I need an “appointment” to file a claim but to take a seat. Over an hour later, I’m sitting surrounded by people (distanced) in masks without any indication of how much longer I’ll sit before being able to file a claim. I was told it will be 5 or 6 days before money is returned to my account. This is the worst example of customer service I’ve had in PuertoRico (not my first time here, as I opened an account thinking it would help with my residency application.) Also, because this bank doesn’t allow easy online transfers to banks back home, having an account here hasn’t been convenient to paying bills or friends on the mainland. It’s sad that BP is considered one of the better banks in PR.

  • Maricarmen Torres

    Maricarmen Torres


    With the concentration in the country of banking institutions in three banks currently, the limited hours, the distancing measures due to the coronavirus and the shortage of buses in the San Juan / Santurce / Hato Rey area, the demand for the bus service requires Banco Popular to extend the hours of autobank service at BPPR Condado Gallery if it truly thinks about the needs of its customers. In addition, BPPR should consider designing and building a super autobank in the Santurce / Hato Rey area only for autobank service and satisfy the exponential demand that currently exists for autobank service with extended hours, efficient vehicular access, numerous and comfortable lanes of self-bank. The Condado Gallery autobank is deficient and does not respond to the needs of its clients in the current situation. The entrance and exit to the current bus is obsolete and uncomfortable, it interrupts vehicular traffic on public roads and requires excessive waiting time on public roads that endangers the well-being of its customers and other drivers who transit in the area. In addition, BPPR must take action and not wait for the government to efficiently and permanently repair the constant gaps in the exit street of the autobank and branch if it truly has empathy for its customers.

  • Siggy Perez

    Siggy Perez


    I made a row behind the cars for 45 minutes on the small square of the pda. 18 to meet financial obligations; Then an annoying security guard comes and yells at me that I can't stand in line behind the cars. It seems to me that the BPPR has an obligation to treat its clients well and respect them. I find it discriminatory that some are cared for, but not others. They should take some good manners and empathize with Church's on the County square.

  • Christian Zerep

    Christian Zerep


    Very crowded, nothing is better for getting into a government office

  • Grechenmarie Berrios Torres

    Grechenmarie Berrios Torres


    Too slow the servicarro

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