FirstBank i Condado

Puerto RicoFirstBank



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270 Avenida Roberto H. Todd Esq. Calle Aldea Plazoleta del, Condado, San Juan 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-2002
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4523483, Longitude: -66.0737528

kommentar 5

  • James Auble

    James Auble


    I went in for a chat with the loan officer. I was genuinely interested in a loan for a condo. i asked for a print out of the amortization or anything we discussed and she said "we don't do that". okay no big deal. it was really hot out and i walked pretty far to get there so I said could i trouble you for one of those bottles of water behind your desk? She said "oh those aren't mine" and just stared at me. Lol. I honestly get better service at Taco Bell.

  • Nicole Rivera

    Nicole Rivera


    I opened two accounts and the lady who attended to me "forgot" to tell me that they had no machine to give a provisional card for an account with ath and that she would have to call to ask for checks from checking accounts. I had to go to another branch to solve it.

  • Olga Shumyachkina

    Olga Shumyachkina


    Good people but very bad service!

  • Heriberto Disla

    Heriberto Disla


    No phone

  • Felix De Jesus

    Felix De Jesus



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