Banco Santander - Sucursal Montehiedra i San Juan

Puerto RicoBanco Santander - Sucursal Montehiedra



🕗 åbningstider

9410, Calle Los Romeros, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-287-3131
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3395116, Longitude: -66.068274

kommentar 5

  • Brenda Gonzalez

    Brenda Gonzalez


    Looking for a Banco Santander closer to home that is open on Saturdays to make an appointment, I found on Google the one in Montehiedra open until 3 p.m. I've been calling for an hour, it rings and rings, they pick up the phone and they hang up the call every time. Soon Santander will be First Bank. I hope First Bank will do a reclassification of employees. The good guys stay and the bad guys stay out!

  • Mayra Ivette Lopez

    Mayra Ivette Lopez


    Fast and good treatment!

  • nasser hafes

    nasser hafes


    The phone always busy I have been trying to call from yesterday 2/12/2020 at 1pm until today 2/13/2020 11am and always busy. It is a disaster.

  • Aida Ondina

    Aida Ondina


    Horrible, a single cashier, the number machine gives you the paper but nobody tells you that it is damaged and you have to stand in line. Yesterday I went to 2 branches to simply make a deposit and I had to leave both, also 2 ATMs and one for drive thru and the other individual and commercial. GAD I don't have an account in this bank. TERRIBLE.

  • Angel Piñero-Santini

    Angel Piñero-Santini


    Platform officers who treat one as if it were a favor, unkind or friendly, the manager is never visible. Considering moving my accounts to another bank.

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