Baño Grande i Río Grande

Puerto RicoBaño Grande


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Baño Grande Pool, Río Grande 00745, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.3014858, Longitude: -65.7853951

kommentar 3

  • P.R. Tours

    P.R. Tours


    The Bano Grande Pool is a man-made pool that was built in the 1930s. It was created by damming off the river to create a large circular pool. The pool is extremely easy to access by taking a set of stairs across the street from the Palo Colorado Information Center. The stairs are also the start point of the El Yunque Trail. Parking for the Bano Grande Pool is located at the Palo Colorado Parking Lot. The parking lot is well marked and can be seen on our map below. There are multiple parking areas at the Palo Colorado Information Center. Once you cross the parking lot towards Bano Grande Pool you will see the waterfall created by the water emptying over the edge of the dam. There is also a stone walkway that circles the entire pool. Overall the Bano Grande Pool makes for a nice place to stop and get some pictures, but it does not offer the fun of places like La Mina Waterfall.

  • es

    Rafael Romero


    Hermosa "piscina natural". Cuentan que antes se podía nadar en ella pero debido a muchos ahogamientos fue cerrada al público. Tranquilo y silenciosos lugar para sentarse a meditar.

  • Lu Pa

    Lu Pa


    Una volta nel 1964 era una piscina ora una pozza di acqua scura.....resta comunque affascinante

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