Casa Cubuy i Naguabo

Puerto RicoCasa Cubuy



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Carr 191, Naguabo, 00718, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-291-9507
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2609065, Longitude: -65.7966385

kommentar 5

  • Cedar Pruitt

    Cedar Pruitt


    Unbelievable setting overlooking a lush rainforest valley full of frogs, birds and a set of gorgeous waterfalls. Comfortable beds, delicious breakfasts, considerate hosts and great coffee. It’s perfect for the intrepid explorer, or in our case, family of explorers, who considers a five-minute walk down a slippery mountain to a waterfall-made swimming hole to be true luxury. Kids thrive here.

  • Nicole LoPresti

    Nicole LoPresti


    Casa Cabuy was enchanting. We needed a respite from negative temps and snowy days in Northern Vermont. The staff care very much about their guests. The landscape is beautiful. The food was delicious. The birds and coquis sang a soothing symphony at night. The rainbows were almost daily. We enjoyed getting caught in a rainstorm on a hike. There is so much more we could say. We highly recommend experiencing Casa Cubuy!

  • Ji Kim

    Ji Kim


    It is my favorite place in Puerto Rico and I am already trying to plan a revisit to Casa Cubuy in my next vacation. We stayed at Casa Cubuy for two nights and it was incredible. It is located South of El Yunque, in a very deep and higher in the forest. It is in the opposite bottom of where the park’s information center is so that near Casa Cubuy felt very quiet, private and a lot more “wild.” We had spectacular view of the forest from our room’s balcony, 10 minute private trail down to a natual pool (a real botanical garden like walk moment surrounding by trees, flowers, lizards and snails), the best free homemade breakfast and the owner Marianne’s grandma style lunch sandwich packs for our long hike to a mountain trail to visit three waterfalls. There are still a lot more to do and that’s why we hope to revisit asap. Thanks Casa Cubuy for the unforgettable experience!

  • Puneet Rana

    Puneet Rana


    Very quiet and serene. The host was very helpful and gave us some nice pointers. The nearby waterfall and natural pool is a short hike away. Lots of places around the house to lounge on the hammocks.

  • Rose McCrumb

    Rose McCrumb


    This place is Amazing...we were very impressed by it..I will definitely go back.. It is quite a drive to get there with windy roads & high up the mountain. But waking up to the scenery of the rain forest is breathtaking.

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