Yunque Ziplining i Luquillo

Puerto RicoYunque Ziplining



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Caja Postal # 727, Luquillo 00773, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-529-2496
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3566562, Longitude: -65.7482903

kommentar 5

  • Juan Cohn

    Juan Cohn


    Beautiful place safety We enjoy a lot The guys of the crew amazing I recoment this ride 100%

  • Joseph D'Antuono

    Joseph D'Antuono


    Bryan, Miguel and team were extremely fun and professional. I'm really glad that we chose Yunque Ziplining out of all the different options available nearby. Tip: bring a light raincoat and try to avoid brining a backpack if possible. Just a water bottle attached to your belt via carribeaner will do.

  • Alyssa Perez

    Alyssa Perez


    Our guides were amazing. Miguel, Denise, Brian, Ed were a great team. They made you feel like they’ve known you forever. I wish it was longer cause 2 hours go by when your having fun. Everything was professional from beginning to end they text you to be sure your okay with directions. Which is very helpful. I wish I’d can just hang out and enjoy the view. Thank you guys for an amazing trip.

  • Rita Ran

    Rita Ran


    We found this place online and our experience there was so great! The guides Jorgito, Javier and Jenny are very nice and friendly! Highly recommend! Don’t miss the nice views there!

  • Y Lagomarsini

    Y Lagomarsini


    AMAZING experience!!! Highly recommended!!! Gorgeous views of El Yunque as you zipline, and learn about local plants and wildlife (you may even get to try passion fruit freshly picked off the vine!). Our guides, Miguel and Rey, were without a doubt the best guides we've ever encountered. Our safety was their absolute priority, but they were also friendly, funny, engaging, knowledgeable and made sure every single person in our group (kids and adults) felt at ease and enjoyed the experience. They really know what they're doing and it was pretty obvious they also love what they do. This was an amazing experience and we'd do it again in heartbeat.

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