Gil Stose Photography | Puerto Rico & Caribbean i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoGil Stose Photography | Puerto Rico & Caribbean



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1353, Avenida Luis Vigoreaux, 00966, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 828-506-9376
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4003182, Longitude: -66.1085705

kommentar 5

  • Chris Young

    Chris Young


    If you are interested in effective photography look no further.

  • Alfonso Rodriguez

    Alfonso Rodriguez


    Gil was a pleasure to work with. We contracted him to do product photography for my company( and we are very happy with the end result. The turnover was faster than I expected. We took all the pictures in one day and a few days later the pictures were sent back(fully edited). We are considering working with him again for future projects/shoots. Highly recommend!!

  • Olga Alquiza

    Olga Alquiza


    Excellent service, professionalism and quality of work. Gil adapts to the client's needs and time.

  • Lobster Fear Me

    Lobster Fear Me


    We are a large firm in Virginia with a ongoing project on the island. We tried several local photographers who showed up late, unprepared and refused to allow us to see the images while they were being captured and were grossly unprofessional. I got online and found Gil Stose Photography immediately and called. We have been working exclusively with them for four years and could not be happier. I highly recommend them! They are the REAL PRO's on the island.

  • Gil Stose Photography I North Carolina - Architecture I Interior I Food I Commercial I Editorial

    Gil Stose Photography I North Carolina - Architecture I Interior I Food I Commercial I Editorial


    Endless Summer is the very best choice for commercial or editorial digital photography of homes, buildings, food and beverages throughout the Caribbean and the Americas. Specializing in Architecture, Interiors, Product, Still Life, Advertising and Marketing. CONUS based? Look no further, this is the source for the professionalism and ability you are accustomed to!

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