Mi casa Eco-Camping i Caguas

Puerto RicoMi casa Eco-Camping



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Puerto Rico 795, 00725, Caguas, Río Cañas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-949-8200
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2739893, Longitude: -66.0590734

kommentar 5

  • Christine Conforti

    Christine Conforti


    Welcome to camping in the rainforest. Jorge's concept, energy and hospitality were truly one of a kind. It felt like being a part of a sustainability and art project. We stayed in the Vista Bohido cabin, with an amazing view of the lush mountains and sunrise. Breakfast and dinner were authentic, fresh meals made with love. I even found a space to do my yoga practice at the top of the hill, overlooking the nature and sunset (the same stage where they lead sound healings by donation and request). Jorge and his wife are simply positive, loving people that clearly enjoy tending to what they've created- including the art of hospitality and creating positive experiences for others. We will absolutely be back to stay, next time hopefully in another beautiful cabana named "Lay-lo". Consider checking both Booking and Airbnb for a variety of unique cabins available.

  • alexa mcdonald

    alexa mcdonald


    We absolutely loved our stay here. Jorge and his family are so nice and welcoming. We will miss their energy and great company!!! This is a great experience if you want to interact with locals. We hope to be back one day!!!!

  • soloeneldesierto



    This is the best experience on the top of a mountain with a great 360 view of the nature and the cities.

  • רונית שגב

    רונית שגב


    A sweet, secluded, and inspiring place a little further out of San Juan. I got there with my mom and my brother with high expectations and we were not disappointed one bit. Jorge and Maria hosted us with so much love and care. And made us feel like home. The view up there is absolutely incredible. We had a beautiful time and would love to come back again! Highly recommended:)

  • Raz or

    Raz or


    Our first night in Puerto Rico was such an amazing experience thanks to Jorge and Maria Mi casa Eco-Camping place. We felt blessed and are so thankful for their Kindness and warmth care. My mom sister and myself were so inspired and had the best time. highly recommended! Thank you guys so much for sharing and letting us feel at home you are an angels🥰

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