Hacienda Mí Remanso i Caguas

Puerto RicoHacienda Mí Remanso



🕗 åbningstider

Secc107,los Melendez, cidra, Caguas, 00739, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-531-3065
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Latitude: 18.1907906, Longitude: -66.0988618

kommentar 5

  • Manuel Figueroa

    Manuel Figueroa


    It's a short drive from the Caguas city center, but it feels like you are in the countryside up in the mountains. Great place to hold a company party or family get together.

  • Jose Mirabal

    Jose Mirabal


    Do not recommend this place the rooms were not finished bathroom had no hot water no outlets to charge you phones the bed had air mattress on the last day the rat eaten are bread most of the food in the refrigerator was spoiled because it didn’t work this place sucks

  • Maria Could

    Maria Could


    That place isn’t good it needs more remodeling, need a new refrigerator, the power need to fix, need better hot water, need better shower, the shower curtains was dirty, well the house gets it’n a place for stay, the horse they look sick and the owner isn’t a person that keep his word

  • Amayra Castro

    Amayra Castro


    Thi place was good for our dogs but it seems like it hasn't completely recovered from hurricane Maria. Needs a little bit more of care. But overall, it was a good experience and the environment was very familiar.

  • Armando Fernandez

    Armando Fernandez


    Great place to stay at, with wonderful view and awesome hosts.

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