Casa Alcaldía- Municipio de Salinas i Salinas

Puerto RicoCasa Alcaldía- Municipio de Salinas



🕗 åbningstider

27, Calle Doctor Santos P. Amadeo, 00751, Salinas, Salinas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-824-3060
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 17.9759538, Longitude: -66.2984676

kommentar 5

  • Noris Burgos

    Noris Burgos


    Tuve que esperar cerca de una hora para que me atendierán.

  • Frank Claros

    Frank Claros


    Excellent service and kindness and very historic building, very nice

  • Jesus Soto

    Jesus Soto


    The Mayor and staff treated our team very professional and understood the importance of the meeting for the future project of her community.

  • Lianessa Colon

    Lianessa Colon


    The place is super accessible, the reception is excellent, kindness and I treat the dynamic and well-disposed employees.

  • Bedford Sánchez - Navarro

    Bedford Sánchez - Navarro


    This time I was treated very well, and it should ALWAYS be like that with all citizens, that they continue like this and they will have the 5 stars, in the meantime thank you for your good work.

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