Ponce City Hall i Ponce

Puerto RicoPonce City Hall


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Calle Villa, 00730, Ponce, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-284-4141
internet side: www.visitponce.com
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Latitude: 18.0108688, Longitude: -66.6139467

kommentar 5

  • Jose R. Lopez

    Jose R. Lopez


    Beautiful building to stop for photos. Pass by and see for yourself. It's the Mayor's building were he work's at with his staff. We visited it for the buildings architect beauty. Your allowed to take photos of the few things they have inside about some history. The court yard is nice place to take a few more photos. Ponce also known as La Perla del Sur has great historical to Puerto Rico in that it's the second municipality and yet the largest. If you enjoy about PR culture, I would recommend to Google that information on line about this building.

  • rita cintron

    rita cintron


    es una lastima que ni la alcaldesa ni kos que se suponen que recojan la basura vegetal desde maria estoy llamando para que recojan la basura en la rambla que esta atrayendo ratas y insectos porfavor recojan

  • Javier Gonzalez-Soria

    Javier Gonzalez-Soria


    La ciudad de Ponce, llamada La Perla del Sur, es el segundo municipio en extensión territorial en Puerto Rico. Tiene. 278 Km cuadrados. Su extraordinaria localización geográfica frente al Mar Caribe y aproximadamente en el centro de la costa sur le han dado a lo largo de sus trescientos años de existencia gran ventaja que lo ha mantenido como el segundo municipio en importancia de la Isla. Su amplia zona urbana tiene numerosos barrios y urbanizaciones. Además de su casco histórico, tiene en su costa el poblado de La Playa que es como otro pueblo dentro del municipio.

  • en

    Jeffrey Taylor


    We entered to have a look around, asked a couple of touristy questions about the statues in the square, but we're taken aback by the warm greeting of everyone inside as we were shunted attentively from person to person. Finally, the local tourist guide Answered our question on the provenance of the statuary. The courtyard filled with Puerto Rican potted palms, black and white chequered tile floor is gorgeous to behold. Casa Alcadia interior is definitely a must see.

  • Kion Cosplay

    Kion Cosplay


    Aqui hubo una presentacion de coro el año pasada

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