Casa Melaza Rum Boutique i San Juan

Puerto RicoCasa Melaza Rum Boutique



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78, Caleta de San Juan, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-462-5282
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4655439, Longitude: -66.1182077

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Rivera

    Alexandra Rivera


    Want to try Locals Moonshine? This is the place to start!

  • Colin McCarthy

    Colin McCarthy


    A must do stop in Old San Juan. Love stopping in for a flight of rum to try out many different types. I learned a lot about rum making and it's local history.

  • Matthew Dykes

    Matthew Dykes


    Mmmmmmmmm they have some smooth delicious rum and the prices are average

  • Adrian Garro

    Adrian Garro


    The best place to try Sangria! It was delicious! Not too strong or sweet! The owner was very nice and sweet with us! Definitely a spot worth visiting!! 10/10!!

  • Jeff Kane

    Jeff Kane


    Hard to find, but worth it if you want to sample some interesting rums. There are pictures on google maps, but they are not correct. It is seriously just a hole in the wall. But, don't let that stop you! They have some great rums. A bit on the pricey side, so expect to pay a bit more than most places.

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