Stuffed Avocado Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoStuffed Avocado Shop



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103-A, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-303-1113
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Latitude: 18.4538854, Longitude: -66.0798189

kommentar 5

  • Lisa McNabb

    Lisa McNabb


    Amazing! So much food and super tasty! Atmosphere not what I expected but for lunch it is good. Only a small selection of drinks.

  • George



    Poor experience guys. I enjoyed the food the last time around but today got the beef avocado plato and the sweet plantain is all burnt!! Very poor experience. I would have returned the food and asked for a refund but it's just too much of a hassle to go all the way back. Poor. I can't even share an image on this review to back the review up.

  • Sun Light

    Sun Light


    I definitely recommend this place and I will be visiting again the food was awesome and also the service friendly the place seems to be eco-friendly. I like that there is an vegan or vegetarian option other than just meat. the ambient is very cool and the place is neat and clean the music is it low and nice. I will visit again!!!!

  • Miriam Ahmed

    Miriam Ahmed


    Healthy, delicious food in San Juan! The woman who served us was very sweet and patient as we'd never been to a restaurant like this before and didn't know how to order. Definitely try this place! We had the salmon bowl and a vegetarian bowl with chick peas - both were delicious!

  • Steven Smith

    Steven Smith


    Wow wow wow! Super refreshing .. had a salmon bowl to share with my girlfriend and every bite kept getting better and better .. the salmon was so fresh and delightful. A whole avocado in the bull with fresh hot sticky rice.. amazing !!

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