La Plaza del Mercado de Santurce i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Plaza del Mercado de Santurce



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1348 José M. Raffucci Morales, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-7423
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.450487, Longitude: -66.070495

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nick Rush


    If you ever get a chance to go to San Juan la plaza should be at the top of the list. The friendly people, the lovely food, and oh so affordable drinks makes it all the more inviting. People from all over Puerto rico come to party and have a good time making it into a night to remember😉

  • Ivan Garcia

    Ivan Garcia


    Great time. There are a lot of places to choose from. I liked the cigar place, and there's a mojito place. Wide variety of dinning places. Parking is a challenge.

  • en

    Todd Bellew


    Visited this place at night when they had karaoke. It draws a big crowd with mostly locals. Everyone was really nice and the atmosphere was great. If you like Spanish music and enjoy karaoke, this place is definitely worth visiting if you want to mingle with the locals.

  • Kari Infantino

    Kari Infantino


    This is a beautiful trendy conglomeration of outdoor restraints and bars. A lot of fun and socializing goes on here. A must visit for visitors. Some open air clubs feature salsa dancing and karaoke and live music. It's packed on the weekends. The energy and ambiance was fabulous.

  • Adrian Holden

    Adrian Holden


    Local flea market held in the parking lot of the basketball arena. Sunday’s pick up a bit more than the rest of the week. Good for grabbing a quick snack and just walking the scene with the family. Limited selection of shops. Something to do if you’re in the area.

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