El Viejo Almacen i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Viejo Almacen



🕗 åbningstider

1503, Calle Loíza, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-985-9122
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.4520603, Longitude: -66.0633711

kommentar 5

  • es

    Keith Rodríguez


    Le doy 10 de 10 a éste restaurante, excelente trato, servicio, ambiente, comida, en fin. Una experiencia.

  • en

    Stephen Valder


    I came here with my in-laws. Saturday at 10p. Mostly empty. Only bland beer. Good wine choices. Most of my in-laws got churrasco, was pretty good. I had new York steak. Very grissley. Go to bebo's across the street for half the price, and better.

  • en

    David Harron


    We couldn't have asked for a better way to end our vacation in beautiful Puerto Rico! The best service and meal of our holiday.

  • Alex Carballo-Diéguez

    Alex Carballo-Diéguez


    Excellent cuisine, great ambiance, pedantic male waiter. We were a group of three which included a well known Puerto Rican actress. A female waiter took our order and she was very attentive. But out of the blue appeared a young man who proceeded to remove dishes from our table before we had finished, and when we pointed it out to him rather than apologizing he simply said “Oh, I didn’t notice.” Then, he addressed us as “chicos” (guys), when two of us were senior citizens, and seemed annoyed when he dropped one of our credit cards on the floor and we did not pick it up for him! It’s a pity, because the restaurant is really nice, but the bad attitude of this server tainted what would have otherwise been a memorable experience.

  • es

    Adriana Buezas


    Muy buena cocina. Ambiente agradable. Construcción y ambientación excelente

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