Casa Picaflores i Rioc Blanco

Puerto RicoCasa Picaflores


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Rioc Blanco, PR 00718
kontakter telefon: +1 787-874-3802
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Latitude: 18.2452642, Longitude: -65.7923518

kommentar 5

  • Jesse Hait

    Jesse Hait


    It sucks...nothing adventure

  • A'ngelö Cubuy

    A'ngelö Cubuy


    Es acojedor!

  • Robert Anderson

    Robert Anderson


    We had a wonderful one-night stay at the Casita Zumbador at Casa Picaflores. Barbara was a great host and has created an amazing, calming oasis in the foothills of El Yunque. We will definitely be back someday, hopefully for a longer stay!

  • en

    Brian Bingham


    The grounds are fantastic and the yellow casita where we stayed was really comfortable. Barbara was a great host. Shower had plenty of hot water and the fridge was stocked with food when we got there -- including fresh fruit from the property.

  • Mihir Meghani

    Mihir Meghani


    This is a beautiful, well furnished, set of beautiful lodges set in El Yunque. We stayed in La Cabana which is open air, facing the large pond, was clean, extremely well furnished like you would find in high end resorts & very cute. The bathroom was nice with open air monsoon shower. The bed was comfortable & had a mosquito net, but much to my surprise, the owner was right - there were no mosquitoes because the frogs, lizards & bats of Puerto Rico eat them up! The service is excellent with the owner giving attention to our special dietary needs. The fridge was well stocked with complimentary items, & snacks including fruits, juice & milk were also provided. The whole property, including the other villas, are beautiful, including the natural pool at the far end of the property. Beautiful plants. Natural rainforest sounds. This was paradise. I recommend this for anyone wanting luxury in a rainforest setting who doesn't mind the coqui frog sounds all night. She has a few dogs that miraculously do not bark or bother anyone, but if you want, she will keep them inside. Join her for her daily prayers to the surya, the sun!

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