Villa Loma Sol i Río Grande

Puerto RicoVilla Loma Sol



🕗 åbningstider

Bo Zarzál Arriba, Río Grande, 00745, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-408-5421
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3520337, Longitude: -65.8149604

kommentar 5

  • AS AS

    AS AS


    I have not gone but I would like to see more if they put good Canary photos more customers

  • Richard Rosa

    Richard Rosa


    Deep woods

  • Leah St. John

    Leah St. John


    Really really beautiful place to stay, comfortable beds, plenty of room and an incredibly fun dining room! The location is very quiet and private, with a cool refreshing private pool to top it off. Very neat outdoor bathrooms, and comfortable beds. The decor in the house is very beautiful as well. Plenty of bright lighting, and good air conditioning to keep the bedrooms cool. The one things that keeps this from a perfect 5/5 is just that the house badly needs a deep, top to bottom cleaning. While it is in the tropics and we do expect bugs, I do not expect the sheer neglect of various places in the house. There were dried, dead lizards behind the beds, along with dried cockroaches stuck in the mosquito nets around the bed. The ceiling and corners of the walls were coated with dead bugs that had clearly been there for a few months. I had hit one of the photos on the wall accidently and was greated by a flood of insect wings. Several months of buildup there. The entire house really just needs to be scrubbed from top to bottom with people that really care about the cleanliness.

  • Roger Carrillo

    Roger Carrillo


  • Rosalia Rivera

    Rosalia Rivera


    Some incredible rivers, places to spend a mini-vacation or simply to live the outdoors 😉

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