Chili's i Dorado

Puerto RicoChili's



🕗 åbningstider

Barrio Higuillar, 00646, Dorado, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-665-7027
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4222294, Longitude: -66.2667095

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Striegel

    Michelle Striegel


    I was skeptical about going to this chili's or any for that matter, i guess they have changed vendors and might be cutting cost and my past experience have not been successful, but yesterday they have partially redeemed themselves, our server (Angel) was so-so, i guess he was busy but has room for improvement, he was kind but at times forgot he had other tables but like i said he can fix this, our food was good, granted the menúes picture and the actual food leave a lot to be desired, but the flavor was good. My drink was Amazing!!! A bacardi sour apple 🍏 margarita... Yumm!! I do miss the old recipe for the potato soup 😢 that one was great, this new one not so good very bland.. They have revamped the menu so i hope they keep it up and it was about time!! All in all it was a good time, plus it was packed so i can't punish them for this.. Just hire more people for packed days..

  • Manuel Alejandro Morales-Fernández

    Manuel Alejandro Morales-Fernández


    Good service. The food is what you would expect from a chain restaurant, but good. Located close to the express way, so you can be on your way afterwards.

  • Jonathan Arroyo

    Jonathan Arroyo


    Great service and food. The place was full for a Thursday but they were very attentive.

  • Denise Sankis

    Denise Sankis


    Today my waitress named Paola was so nice excellent service food was hot delicious on time dessert awesome great price i recommend this place 100 %

  • Marianne Davila

    Marianne Davila


    Their quality used to be good maybe 4 years ago, but now it's just sad. Mediocre. You ask for a 'medium well' sirloin steak, they serve an over-overcooked piece of meat that is not even sirloin....'The wait staff needs training, and the cooks need training (possibly a degree) as well. The tables are sticky and the seating needs better chairs, and tables, for bigger parties. The drinks are not chilled enough. They seem to be buying low quality beef and low quality ingredients for their meals. I will definitely think twice before returning.

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