Sizzler Dorado i Maguayo

Puerto RicoSizzler Dorado



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Doramar Plaza- Lote B5 Carretera 693 Int 658 Km 1.5 Barrio, Maguayo, Dorado 00696, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-665-7060
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Latitude: 18.4227626, Longitude: -66.2665241

kommentar 5

  • Luis Gonzalez

    Luis Gonzalez


    Buffet food was decent, could have been tastier. My son ordered the bacon cheeseburger n fries but it took them 33 mins to bring it out.

  • Gina Maru

    Gina Maru


    Management has poor customer service. Server and sanitation guy was great. Cashier had an attitude and not helpful.

  • Jennylane



    I heard from others that had been here that it wasn't that good. So we went to the Bayamón obe but the waiting time was 1 hour. So we decided to give it a try at the Dorado one. No regrets whatsoever. It is a bigfer place. They do make one get on a line to get to the buffet (for safety reasons) there an employee will spray your hand to disinfect your hand prior to getting the buffet and this happens each time you go to get some food. At the beginning I found it annoying but (welvome to the new normal 😤😱) Food was refilled quickly and I'm a salad person and I enjoyed it (2 plates of salads) Im hapoy with that and the dessert. Price is ok $13 per adult and $7 per kid under the age of 10.

  • Nancy Marrero

    Nancy Marrero


    The best me and my husband love it everything so clean organiz every year except this year of pandemic we celebrate or anniversary always March 1

  • Haydee Rodriguez

    Haydee Rodriguez


    We asked for medium rare and got well done for all 4 steaks. They were clean. I enjoyed more the salad bar than the entree.

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