Club 77 i San Juan

Puerto RicoClub 77



🕗 åbningstider

1102, Avenida de la Constitución, 00925, San Juan, Hato Rey Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-758-9160
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.398944, Longitude: -66.052537

kommentar 5

  • Audrey James

    Audrey James


    Nice club. Great ambiance.

  • Sabbath D. Cayman

    Sabbath D. Cayman


    One of my favorite places to hangout. Very "Underground NC-17", because here you can pretty much do almost anything you want and people wont bat an eye lmao. Music genders are Drum & Bass, House, Indie Rock, Punk, Metal and some other "obscure" genders. If you're into those scenes, otherwise there is CERO REGGUETÓN here. It starts gettting crowded at 11pm.

  • James Mills

    James Mills


    For travellers coming to puerto rico looking for fun I would highly highly highly recommend this place. Unbelievable!!

  • Slav Mon

    Slav Mon


    Good place to have a drink and listen to good music. Three bartenders were taking orders so I didn't wait too long for my drink even though the place was packed. The venue has a industrial style that I liked very much. The parking is the only thing that I didn't like that much. All in all very recommended place.

  • Morovis



    Best for hardcore music, if you're into indie hipster stuff this place hosts great events too. Hardcore music events like death metal bands this is one of the only places in PR that hosts these and they are good. 4/5 overall

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